house of ash

Distroy the hand,
delete the name that holds the pen
bite off through those round offending lips

Scratch the skin,
undo the text untrue and plain.
Unswallow these pills, oh, so bitter!

Written is written is what is written
read on read on and off from these lines,
fire and water always one another killing
as I keep on living in a house of ash.

wisdom for trade


Life is hard,
it's so crap at times!
you never find the rhyme
you were looking for.

"Matching pairs do not agree, ma wee lassie"
says the voice of wisdom, "not anymore these days"
"not in town" it adds.

And I ask, way down my stomach,
Is it so bad?
"Damn!·" Hey, voice of wisdom,
Why don't you just shut up?

It's not only that I'm joking,
I’m also mocking at your stance.

Terrorist of the language,
linguistic trader, an artist,
will never manage avoiding,
her tongue to be cut in the modern meat-market.

running ghosts of words

How to survive
panic to the blank page
or to the white sheets of rambing ghosts
at night?

One hides her head
like an ostrich, under the blankets,
under the very same sheets
that scare her…

How to survive fear to the white page
but hiding under piles of dirty sheets?

Ghosts of words
run after me with all their might.

Machine gun

Sometimes I'm a complaining machine-gun

rat-at-at-at-complaining- rat-at-at-at-at

all the time about this shitty world- you see,

I'm doing it again- Isn't it a shame?-rat-at-at-

complaining-rat-at-at-at-how unbearable am I!


And I don't know what things are all about- rat-at-at

all those mad, silly, normal things -rat-at-at-at

and the crazy-rat-at-at-abnormal things,

that I just can't bear every-rat-at-at-at-fucking day.

You know, I am -rat-at-at-at- complaining too much,

isn't it? -rat-at-at- blame the world -rat-at-at

or blame this cynic me -rat-at-at-at -this,

rat-at-at- silly -rat-at-at- lonely -rat-at-at- me.

That's why I'm a complaining -rat-at-at- machine gun

Because I'm just a lonely -rat-at-at

and silly -rat-at-at-at

and crazy -rat-at-at- bitch,

a -rat-at-at-at-spoiled child,

rat-at-at- a -rat-at-at -complaining me.